High Climber 180º eBike Ride (WINTER SCHEDULE)

- Duration: 2 Hours (approx.)
- Location: Boulder, CO
- Product code: H180W
During the winter offseason (roughly mid-November to mid-April), JD’s Joyrides is open for business pending weather conditions and our availability.
Through our calendar you can request a date and time to ride (tour or rental). Your booking is not confirmed and you will not be charged until we respond (which we will do pretty quickly). You’re welcome to call/text us as well, via the number on our Contact page.
Winter’s a beautiful time to ride ebikes in Boulder (with the proper attire, of course). We’d love to help you discover that for yourself, and look forward to hearing from you.
Revel in the thrill of cruising up and soaring down Boulder's many storied hills.
Part of the beauty of Boulder is its diverse topography. The plains meet the mountains on the west side of town, providing us with plenty of thrilling hills to climb, as well as flatter areas that allow for mellow riding and fantastic views of Boulder's spectacular Flatirons backdrop.
The High Climber 180º concentrates on the literal ups and the downs (but definitely not downers) of Boulder. We'll spend most of our time on the west side of town, where you'll get up-close views of the Flatirons and cruise through some of Boulder's higher end (literally) neighborhoods. It's also a great opportunity to experience the full potential of our eBikes. One steady-but-easy, strain-free, sweat-less climb to Chautauqua or NCAR and will show you what these bikes can do. After this ride, the chance you'll start looking for one for yourself goes up considerably.
On this route, plotted by your guide with your group in mind, you'll likely find yourself on the west side of town, cruising up and down hills on your way to such popular destinations as
- Chautauqua
- the Scenic Overlook
- Wonderland Lake
- Dakota Ridge
- Flagstaff and Chautauqua neighborhoods
- whatever else we can fit in to this fast-paced, 2-ish hour ride.
NOTE: this ride involves climbing (and descending) several hills. The eBike will help considerably, but you will still need to pedal steadily to reach the top, sometimes for as much as 10-15 minutes straight. If you can walk two miles with reasonable comfort you should be able to do this. If you're not sure, get in touch and we'll talk about it.
The High Climber 180º Ride includes Rad Power Bike, helmet, water and snacks -- and a real good time.